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May 24, 2011
Vitamin D Deficiency
by: Anonymous

For years I have suffered from bone and body-aches. I recently had a physical exam. After my test results came back they reveled I had Vitamin D deficiency. The main symptoms are fatigue, body-aches, and muscle pain.

I have been treated with pain medications for these symptoms for many years. People who get little sunlight, fruit juices, and milk/cereal are at a higher risk for Vitamin-D deficiency.

Oct 29, 2010
Help with Low Cortisol and Low Energy
by: Anonymous

I had low cortisol levels (confirmed by my endocrinologist), gained about 20 pounds and was fatigue all from stress overload.

First and foremost, a diet change. No coffee, no sugar (or limited), lean protein, no processed foods, lots of veggies and fruits and no white, enriched or bleached flour--only whole grain--whole wheat, rye, etc.

Simultaneously, eliminate stress factors. In four months, I felt like a different person. I kept this up for over a year and what a difference!

Read Adrenal Fatigue-the 21st Century Stress Syndrome, by James L. Wilson!

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