Can I Use Bio-Identical Hormones at My Age?
by Sabine
(Lexington, Nebraska USA)
My best friend just turned forty-six years old and seems to be in better shape than ever. I asked her how she did it and she told me that about a year ago she started taking bio-identical hormones and her overall health has very much improved.
She is more energized and she does not have mood swings anymore. Hormone therapy has helped her with her weight loss and I have noticed that her overall appearance is much younger.
What I need to know is I recently started experiencing menopause symptoms. I have night sweats and terrible mood swings. I feel a lot older than my age. I am only thirty-seven years old, but in my opinion it seems like I am a fifty-year-old woman sometimes.
I am really interested in bio-identical hormones, but don't know if it would be appropriate to start taking hormones at my age. I also would like to know if there are any negative side affects.