The Five Tibetan Rites Have Made Me Feel Younger After Only A Month!

by Brian
(Charlotte, Michigan)

Practicing the Five Tibetan Rites

Practicing the Five Tibetan Rites

The Five Tibetan Rites was something completely unknown to me through my teens, 20's, and to mid 30's, as I was a very strict bodybuilder.

I used to love the feeling of heavy weights and the changes I could make to my body. Well, from all those years of lifting heavy put a toll on my body. I started getting regular aches and pains in my knees, back, neck, and shoulders.

I have had neck surgery, and eventually I will have to have lower back surgery as well. Arthritis has set into my joints and day to day moving around is a struggle sometimes. I gave up lifting weights at 35 years of age (I am now 41).

In six years of not too much physical activity I can see myself getting older. I had gotten in contact with an old Marine Corps friend. He has been in the martial arts ever since I have known him.

We met for lunch, and I couldn't believe how great he looked. He looked that same as he did when he was 21, except healthier. He told me that he has been doing the martial arts, but also doing an antiaging exercise called the Five Tibetan Rites.

He told me to come to his house and he would teach me. I told him that there was no way this broken down old man was going to be doing spin kicks. He laughed and just told me to come over.

A couple of days later I went through some routines with him and it felt really great. He worked with me for about 2 weeks teaching me, and for the past 2 weeks after that I have been doing some of the exercises on my own.

My body doesn't feel so stiff anymore, and I seem to be sleeping better. I am so excited to learn more!

I never thought I would be doing routines like these being a former "muscle dude," but I am seeing a real antiaging effect from the Five Tibetan Rites.

I feel much more productive and am looking forward to a much longer life ahead of me!

I plan on doing more research into the Five Tibetan Rites and maybe my friend and I can teach more people this valuable form of antiaging exercise!

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So it is Called The Five Tibetans......

by Dinesh

The Successful Me - A Practitioner of The Five Tibetans!

The Successful Me - A Practitioner of The Five Tibetans!

Guys, I have been practicing these moves since I was a kid but until now I never knew that these steps are called "The Five Tibetans. "

I used to think that it was some sort of yoga in particular the easier ones.

These exercise used to be my warm up exercise during regular practice session. I used to think what the heck man what does this have to do with my athletics. But I used to feel all fresh when I completed The Five Tibetans to start my day.

Like they say to train the body, you must train the mind. Until now I have been following these movements since I feel very comfortable with them.

I find that as the day progresses I seem to be very calm and doing my best in all aspects. This I attribute to the regular practice of The Five Tibetans.

So my advise to everyone is to try them as well, and you too will see the difference!

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