The Easy Way to Fight Winter Blues

by SKM
(London, UK)

It was my first time to face the winter blues last winter.

I found that when returning from the office I was feeling more tired than usual.I was going to go to a movie with my friend at night, but was feeling anxious and decided to cancel.

When I got home from work, I felt irritated and didn't want to move at all. I ate more than what I normally eat in dinner and slept for long hours.

It was also difficult to wake up. I called my friend who told me that I could be suffering from winter blues.

He advised me to keep the lights on, do some basic aerobic exercises, wear winter clothes and go outside and get plenty of sunlight.

I wasn’t sure this would work, but did follow their advice, and found myself feeling so much better.

I guess if there is a lesson here, it is that we need sunlight all through the winter to feel mentally and emotionally well.

Even though this is an easy solution, it is one that I would have overlooked!

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My Winter Blues

by Jason
(Milwaukee, Wisconson)

I used to hear my mom in my childhood about winter blues but never understood what it actually meant.

Last year, during Christmas I found myself behaving in a very peculiar manner. I would shout at my house cleaner, behave in a very bad manner with my husband and I could not help it.

I never had any mental problems that I could relate to my situation but I was becoming irritable and depressed with every passing day. Even if someone wants to suggest something to me, I would not listen.

Fortunately my husband knew what the problem was. My abrupt mood swings were because of seasonal affective disorder also called winter blues. I then understood the meaning of my mother’s sayings.

I consulted a doctor and he advised me just not to think about the situation and advised me to take a break from my daily routine.

I would suggest to all my friends that if you are stuck in similar situation, then do not hesitate, talk to your partner, friends or family members about it.

Eat healthy, sleep well and most importantly bask in the sun because it becomes very important to feel the freshness of sunlight, if you are suffering from winter blues!

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