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Dec 24, 2009
Problems With Cortisol Supplementation
by: George Parigian Jr.

Dear Paulette,

You posted a question to my web page on adrenal fatigue. I am in the process of trying to find an answer to that question. However, you should first know that I am not a doctor, and so I cannot render you a medical opinion in the way that a qualified physician could.

That being said, I do care about trying to help you find answers to your problems and hopefully be of some help to you in making your health better. I am 54 years old, just a year younger than you, so I do believe you have many years of good life yet to live and enjoy.

I have located on anti aging doctor in South Africa (though there must be more). He is located in Cape Town which is about 14 hours drive from you. I am trying to find someone closer for you, but in the meantime, I will give you his information.

Perhaps he could do a consultation by phone, but you will have to contact him and see. Here is the information:

Drs Etienne De Villiers & Graham Duncombe
Cape Town, South Africa
(+27) 825795040

Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

It seems like they do cosmetic medicine, but also antiaging medicine which could be helpful to you. I will keep trying to find someone closer to your area, and also try and investigate this issue myself and see if I can come up with anything that will help you.

Here is another I found who is in Johannesburg:

Ahmed Haffejie, M.D.
Optimum Health
Ahmed Haffejie, M.D.
Halfway House
P.O. Box 5427
Johannesburg, 1685, ZA
ABAARM Diplomate

One suggestion that I am going to make, is that you determine what your blood type is. Certain foods can trigger adverse reactions with a person's blood type antigens and so it might be helpful to look into this. You can find some information on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's website:

Here is an excerpt from that site on hydrocortisone

I will be writing again as soon as I have more to tell you.

You are in my thoughts.

Best Regards,


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