by Nick
(Virginia Beach)
Although I'm relatively young, I work in an industrial environment where my skin is exposed to noxious fumes and smoke on a daily basis.
by James
(Clarksville, TN USA)
I am probably rather young to talk about juicing for anti-aging, but I had experienced a strong case of "old man" syndrome in my early 30's, where many of my joints would stiffen with arthritis, and I was slower and less flexible than I had been in many years.
It was a gradual process, and since I was still exercising regularly, I contributed it to some genetics and a majority of my diet. Fast foods, sodas, beer, and junk food were all my staples, although I did eat healthy at dinner on weekdays, as my wife is a very good cook.
However, I read some material on how easy and effective juicing could be, and I knew that I was only getting a serving of fruits a day and possible 2 servings at the most of vegetables, some of these being fried in unhealthy oil.
I started to drink a glass of blended juice in the morning every day along with my daily run and sit-ups and pushups. Within weeks my joints started feeling better, I felt less pain during my exercise and felt like a 33 year old should feel instead of what a 63 year old should feel.
I use a base of mangos as my main juice, but add several different fruits, including pineapple, orange, strawberry, kiwi, and some other fruits, plus carrots to my drink mix. It usually tastes good after a long run. Good luck with juicing, it has helped me get young again, and it should help you as well.
by Prakhar Bhatnagar
(Udaipur,Rajasthan, India)
I started making this juice with mixtures of different fruits together.I bought beetroot, carrot, tomato, orange and grapes(red and green both).
I made it for 3 adult family members, so I use to take 5 oranges, 3 beetroots, 6-7 carrots, and bunch of grapes.Then peel out the orange and carrot and beetroot, put them into juice grinder and let the machine start working on them.
Collect the juice into a a fresh beaker.While serving spread little black pepper in juice to add extra taste.
Most of the ingredients of my juice are found in my house lawn only.I've planted carrots, grapes and beetroots.So I use to make this juice every day.
In a week you'll start feeling its positive outcome. Your whole body will get toxic free, your skin will nourish from within, you'll feel the new glow and skin aging will reduce very effectively.
This juice is also helpful in digestion problems.
So if you haven't tried all these fruits together you must try it soon!
by Sathyanarayanan P B
Body Revitalization Juice - one of my best healthy juicing recipes!
The main benefits of this Juice include revitalization of the body, warding off colds and promoting healthy glowing skin.
by Bristow
(Cochin, Karala, India)
You can make your own anti-aging program. Many of the age-old beauty secrets are still in use today. With the right anti aging program, you can drastically slow the aging process to look and feel your best for years to come. Let’s find out how…
Vegetable juice, such as carrot and spinach, are full of nutrients that are needed for your body to continue producing collagen needed for healthy, plump skin. It is also full of vitamins and minerals needed for your hair to remain healthy and full.
When you make your own anti-aging program, include the vegetable juices for the added nutrition. Your body can utilize these more than any pill and the live enzymes are an added benefit.
EFA's are an excellent part of an anti aging program. They are needed for hormonal balance, which is important to keep your skin from prematurely thinning. In addition, these "oils" are needed for elasticity of skin and hair and lubricating your joints.
You will almost always find a growth hormone supplement as part of an anti aging program.
Exercise should be part of any anti aging program. Walking and rebounding are my favorite.
I believe that cleansing is another important aspect of any anti aging program.