The Nuwave Oven - A New Wave in Healthy Food Preparation?

by Venkat
(Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India)

The Nuwave Oven Pro

The Nuwave Oven Pro

To be honest I just love eating and I don't have any diet regulations but a lot has changed since the last year's doctor's visit.

It was like any usual day then I started to sweat heavily and my wife took me to the clinic there the doctor asked me to take various tests and all of them told me only one thing, that I'm fat so the doctor ordered me to go easy on greasy foods and advised me to eat healthy food.

So my wife started to look for healthier cooking alternatives on the Internet then she found about Nuwave oven infrared cooking system. I did some research on it and found out that it was the perfect cooking tool to fight my high cholesterol.

It has so many good points about it like it cooks with the help of high wave length infra red rays and it doesn't need much oil to cook and what ever the oil is used in cooking it is made less greasy.

It saves a lot of gas and helps us to conserve the environment and it is really healthy and very affordable. Now I feel like a new man with a lot more stamina from my healthier cooking and eating!

I would definitely recommend the Nuwave oven for everyone out there.

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The Nuwave Oven - A Great Alternative to Conventional Methods!

by Kevin C.

A friend of mine introduced me to the Nuwave Oven and healthier cooking.

He had purchased one a little while back, and had mentioned it to me, but I had really never imagined that the food would come out so good until I tried it. You can literally cook anything in this little unit, and it comes out great!

The most surprising thing about the Nuwave oven, for me, was the overall texture of the food. I had envisioned the food would be bland and tasteless, but the Nuwave cooks meals perfectly, especially meats, which come out with a crisp flavorful outside and a juicy inside.

It's true what they say; the Nuwave oven really preserves the nutrients inside the food instead of simply cooking it all away, especially on vegetables where you would normally be losing many of the vitamins and minerals. This is the essence of healthier cooking!

Needless to say, the Nuwave oven is going to end up on my holiday shopping list.

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Shedding Pounds with the Nuwave Oven

by Tanja-Sabine
(Lexington, Ne USA)

The Nuwave Oven Pro

The Nuwave Oven Pro

NuWave Oven

My Nuwave oven story……

I have finally found the right kitchen tool for my family and me.

I received the Nuwave oven as an anniversary gift from my husband and I have been using it ever since. It allows for cooking healthier and faster than a conventional stove or oven.

The Nuwave oven has helped me to shed fifty pounds in less than eight months. Thanks to the Nuwave oven I can fit into my size seven jeans again. This little kitchen gadget is easy to use and does not weight much.

I am able to cook multiple items at the same time and everything always comes out just the way my family likes to eat it. The meats stay juicy and the veggies are always crisp and retain their color and form.

My daughters especially like it when I cook their favorite dish, which is a pot roast with potatoes and carrots. Now I can cook it a lot faster and make their beloved recipes healthier at the same time.

I would highly recommend the Nuwave oven to anyone into cooking healthier as well as faster!

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The Nuwave Oven - An Unexpected Gift From My Brother the Chef

by Lisa
(Pittston, PA USA)

Whenever there is a new cooking gadget out, my brother, who is a chef, not a "cook"(he gets insulted) buys it for me as a joke.

The latest gag was the Nuwave oven. It sat in the box for about 1 week before curiosity got the best of me.

My first attempt was a chicken, and much to my surprise, IT WASN'T BAD!! It was actually pretty good! I expected it to be dry, I guess the word "infrared" concerned me, but it was surprisingly moist!

I did do baby red potatoes with it too, they came out perfect. My six year old, who hates everything, cleaned his plate. My next attempt will be a roast tomorrow night. There is a pizza kit too. That will be Friday night!

Cleaning the Nuwave Oven was a snap too! It seems my brothers latest cooking gadget has turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

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