The Aging Process Explained

The aging process is characterized by a decline of our physiological functions and appearance with the passing years. All people of course are subject to aging effects, but some age at faster rates than others. Let’s explore the processes involved in aging.

Signs of Aging

Outward signs of aging involve aging skin, and hair. Aging skin loses elasticity due to changes in the elastin collagen ratio.


The hair loses natural pigmentation and turns gray. These changes can be slowed by antiaging treatment, but not completely reversed.

Cardiovascular Aging

The cardio-vascular system is affected as the heart muscle atrophies (shrinks), heart valves calcify, and the arteries lose their elasticity. All of this results in decreased blood flow to all parts of the body, and increased danger of coronary problems.

Slowing aging is critical for the maintenance of the cardio-vascular system, as all of the negative changes that occur can be slowed considerably and good cardio-vascular health maintained all throughout your life.

The lungs lose elasticity and their supporting muscles atrophy causing lung capacity to decline with age. Again, proper aerobic exercise can maintain a high level of lung fitness far above what would be normal for an aging person who did not exercise!

Hormonal Decline

Our hormonal system declines as we age. This is one of the most significant factors in a diminished quality of life, as every system in the body is affected. An antiaging program can address this through hormone optimization, or replacement therapy.

Body Composition Changes

Loss of lean body mass and gain in fat tissue is another effect of aging that has serious consequences for longevity. It is due to diminished levels of anabolic hormones, but can be significantly slowed by a good strength-training program.

Neurological Decline

The nervous system also undergoes a decline with age. There is a loss of efficiency, slower response time and less coordination. The brain shrinks as well, but again, slowing aging can preserve a high degree of function in this area.

Changes in the Digestive System

The digestive system suffers a decline due to aging. It does not produce as much of the digestive enzymes we need to properly process our food, which in turn causes deficiencies in nutrients we need to maintain health.

Loss of Bone Density

Our bones undergo changes as we age. We lose calcium and thus bone density decreases. The loss of bone density is also due to less muscle strength, which is why a proper antiaging program must include strength training to help keep bones strong.

Our Senses Decline

Our vision, hearing, sense of smell and taste, are all affected by aging. We have diminished capacity in these areas over time, but once again, the anti aging process applied correctly can keep those changes from limiting our ability to function with age.

Diminished Sexual Function

Our sexual functioning while not considered essential to survival, also declines as we age. This can result in a decline in the quality of life for many people, for whom sex is an important and vital part of their lives.

Healthy Aging is a Choice!

Despite the aging process, you can maintain a satisfactory level of function that will enable you to do what you enjoy. A slow aging process is the goal!

We need to be aware of the ways in which aging affects us over time, but also how a proper antiaging program can alleviate many of those problems, allowing us to enjoy life for as long as we live.

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