Confused about Old Age!
by J.M.Bagla
I am confused about old age!
I am 59 years old and I have not faced any problem, as of now which I could relate to aging effects.
However, I would like to know that why it is so that I feel like kids sometimes? I live with my son and he is very loving and affectionate but sometimes I just behave like kids, shouting, singing, talking to myself and most importantly I have become demanding.
I keep asking about the things, which I really do not want. Is it, by any means, related to aging?
Secondly, I have started feeling that I am losing weight. Although, the difference shown by the weighing machine is just 500 grams but I fear that I am becoming old.
Some people told me that the fear of old age is also a kind of disorder found in old people. I am very confused about these aging effects and any kind of help or answer would be of great help for me.
This is a most interesting question. Becoming more childlike with age would most likely be due to changes in the hormonal system. Men often have rising levels of the female hormone estrogen as they age, and this could be causing you to behave in this way.
Weight loss is most likely due to lower levels of testosterone in your body, which in turn means you are losing your muscle mass.
An antiaging doctor or even perhaps one skilled in using Ayurveda to balance and normalize hormones may be able to reverse some of these effects.
Fear and anxiety are also characteristic of aging, but do not affect all persons equally. I believe that in balancing the hormonal system you will find relief and a return to a more normal condition.
Good Luck and Good Health,

Aging and Disease - My Suggestions......
by Raja Chandra Sekar
(Chennai, Tamilnadu, India)
Aging and Disease remain a problem even though the world is advanced in medical therapies or health care measures.
Antiaging foods that we consume are also a factor to be considered to ensure good health maintenance both in the skin and in the rest of the body.
The skin stays fresh without wrinkles, when fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed. Papaya, which is grown up in our garden at home is effective nourishment that brings more health. This fruit can also be purchased from the fruit stalls.
The next fruit that gives more healthiness both in the body and in the skin appearance is the Guava fruit and Pomegranate fruit. Both give more nourishment to the skin and also ensure healthy and beautiful hair.
I also advice my friends and the nearby people to make use of such antiaging foods for natural skin and health care.