by Tina
(Austin, Texas, USA)
Since my husband and I are currently in our forties, we know we need to maintain a healthy body.
We started a yoga routine, primarily the Five Tibetan Rites, which is definitely one of the best routines. I wake up each morning and have a nice yoga session. I would have to say that my favorite is rite 3, Water, which is a great exercise for my back, but all of the rites help my body.
I also suffer from asthma, so the routine breathing exercises are a nice way to help my lungs. Although many people are skeptical about yoga, the Five Tibetan Rites will change anyone's mind.
I personally recommend this yoga routine to anyone who wants to get in shape and lead a healthier life.
by Carla Eubank
I developed "Frozen Shoulder" about 6 mos. ago, I think from going to the Gym and using a trainer. She pushed me too much, instead of starting slow. My husband had to help me fix my hair (because I couldn't raise my arm) and to help me put on my shirts, jackets and pants. I felt very "helpless"!
I went to the doctor and he told me what it was, gave me a cortisone shot and said I should come back for rehabilitation exercises. It was too far to go every week, so I got back into doing these wonderful exercises, that my best friend introduced to me.
I had been doing them for about a month before my Frozen Shoulder, I started again. Although, I could not do them ALL because my shoulder HURT so bad.
I started with the "Spin", even though I could not raise my Frozen shoulder arm higher than my waist.
#2 was not too bad.....
#3 a little harder because I had to put my arm behind me.
#4 I had to put all my weight on my right arm.
#5 I could NOT do this one AT ALL! So, I lay flat on the floor and pushed my upper body up, mostly using my right arm.
The internet and my doctor said that it takes 8 mos. to a year (with much therapy exercise) for it to heal.
Little by little, I pushed harder to reach the 21 each and it got more comfortable every week.
Four months later I was able to do all 4 exercises, 21 times and the 5th one, 18 times.
I didn't do it everyday, either.....but I should have. (I would miss 1 or 2 days a week, depending on my schedule).
I have just a little "twinge" left (in the shoulder) if I put it in a certain position, but it doesn't hurt any more and I can raise it over my head now!!
I used to sit at my desk at work and just CRY, it hurt so bad....just sitting there! Had to put a heating pad on ALL the time.
I am so very grateful to my best friend for introducing me to these Fantastic exercises and I'm thankful for sites like this, that demonstrate how to perform them correctly.
Many, Many Thanks,
Carla Eubank